Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cause and Effect: Television

Hi students!

I chose this article from Time for Kids because I think it's important for you to start practicing the skills we learn in class on real-world news. If you want to read more nonfiction, look around the Time for Kids website! Here is a link:

As you read the following article, focus on this idea: What are some of the effects of watching too much television?


Miss Debby

Turn Off Your TV!
A new study reveals that watching less television may lead to a longer life
Sitting in front of the television may be relaxing, but spending too much time in front of the tube may take years off your life.

That's what Australian researchers found when they collected TV viewing information from more than 11,000 people older than 25 years. The study found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television. Also, every hour of TV that participants watched after age 25 was associated with a 22-minute reduction in their life expectancy.

What’s Going On?
It's no mystery that sitting in front of the tube isn't exactly healthy. The more TV you watch, the less physically active you are. And the less exercise you get, the more likely you are to develop diseases such as diabetes or heart problems.

Lennert Veerman is the lead author of the study, which was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Veerman works at the University of Queensland. He acknowledges that it may not just be the sedentary nature of watching TV that lowers life expectancy, but also the poor diet that onscreen junk-food advertising can promote. But Veerman says that the association between watching too much TV and lower life expectancy persisted, even after adjusting for diet.

Veerman says that it might make sense for doctors to start asking their patients about how much time they spend in front of the TV, and to treat TV time as they would other risk factors for poor health, such as lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet.

Veerman points out that people who are concerned can simply turn off the TV and get off the couch. "Exercise is good," he says, "but even light physical activity also improves health."


1-According to this article, what are two of the effects of watching too much television? Provide EVIDENCE. How do you know?


Tatyana Mitchell said...

Two Effects Of Watching To Much Television Is The More TV You Watch The Less Active You Are I Say This Because Your Not Getting An Education And Your Not Really Learning Any Thing Just By Sitting And Watching TV.A Second Reason Is The Less Exercise You Get The More likely you are to develop diseases such as diabetes or heart problems Because Your Not Providing Your Self With Your Exercise And The Health You Need So It Leads Up To You Getting Diseases Sucj As Diabetes And Heart Problems.

Tasheema Davis said...

there were many effects of watching too much television...but the two that caught ma attantion that i thought were intersting was first,in the second paragraph when the author stated that "the study found that people that watched an average of six or more hours of tv a day lived an average of 4.8 years less than more who didnt" the second effect that caught my attention was when the text stated "also, every hour of tv that participants watched after age 25 was associated with 22-minute reduction in there life expectancy.

lashonda hooks said...

effect 1=is you will take off years of your life my evidence is "spending too much time in front of the tube may take years off your life my second evindence is the more t.v you watch the less physicaly active you are.

jacaysia webster said...

One of the effects of watching tv is that... when you watch tv for a little amount of time just to relax in the future you will be more active and you will spend less time watching tv. Another effect on wathing tv is... when you watch tv for a long period of time just to watch tv,in the future you going to be lazy as a young man or woman. I know this because in the story the author told me about what will happen in the paragraph if people watch tv for a less amount of time or a long amount of time what wwill happen to them.

Takeya Ja'hnai T. said...

Takeya T.
Based on the information from the article;
Two of the effects are that you are inactive and that may cause diseases like diabetes and it also lowers your life span.
Evidence:( A new study reveals that watching less television may lead to a longer life;The study found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television. Also, every hour of TV that participants watched after age 25 was associated with a 22-minute reduction in their life expectancy.)
So i know this is true because my mother does not let us watch telivision more than an hour a day. So when i do get a chance to watch television i feel lazy and unfocused but when i dont watch television i feel energized so i go out and get active, study, or do my homework.

Kathryn R said...

Kathryn R:
Based on the article, the two effects of watching too much television are a shorter life span and you being less physically active. In the article it says:"The study found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television." It also says:"The more TV you watch, the less physically active you are. And the less exercise you get, the more likely you are to develop diseases such as diabetes or heart problems." I know this is true because I don't watch much television and I'm an A and B student, but my tv loving brother on the other hand......... I always do homework before I watch television because if I do homework afterwards, I feel less focused. I think it's because my mind is still thinking about all of the shows I'd just watched, but before I watch tv, all I'm focused on is my homework, and nothing else.

mckinzie said...

According to the artical the two effects of wathing to much tv is heart problems and diabetes.The reason for this is becuase inthe story it says that sitting in front of the tv is not healthy becuase you are not phisically active.this tells me that this is not healthy becuase you are not exercising and the less exercise you get the more unhealthy you are.

nathall williams said...

one effect of watching to much tv is having a shorter life. iknow this because in the passage it says watching less tv may lead to a longer life it also says people who watched tv for 6 hours a day lived 4.8 years less than people who dont watch the second effect is u become physically less active. in the passage it says the more tv the less active ness you have and if you dont get up and move around enough you will get a diesease and die.

Karyn R said...

The effect of watching too much television is that for every hour of television that you watch after the age of 25,reduces you life span of approximately 22 minutes. I know this because second paragraph, it says "Every hour of TV that participants watched after age 25 was associated with 22-minute reduction in their life expectancy". Also, another effect that watching too much television has on people is that that people will become lazy. I know this is a fact because in the section "What's going on?" it states that the television that you watch that you tend to be less active in sports and such. These are two effect that watching too much television can have

lamon phillips said...

two effects of watching television too much is, diabetes and years taken from your life. in the article it states 'the less exercise you get, the more likely you are to developed diseases such as diabetes,' tis lets my know that watching too much television can be hazardous. most importantly it can shorten your life span and i know this because the article states that 'people watch television for an average of six hours tv live a an average of 4.8 years less.

hotdog101#naje said...

the two effects of watching to much television are,...taking years off of your life just because your not getting enough exercise and the less physical your body is the more weight that stays on your body.Another one is,.... it may not just be the sedentary nature of watching TV that lowers life expectancy, but also the poor diet that onscreen junk-food advertising can promote. i think that these two are effects because the cause of this whole matter and (or) situation is the urge to watch your favorite show and in between your favorite shows advertisements come on and they might be selling things like candy and then convince you to go out and buy it and then you will continue to watch television but this time with junk-foods that cause high blood pressure and puts fatty oils onto your body. besides your a kid you should want to go out side and hang out with your friends instead of sitting in boring old house watching telelvision.use your time outside wisely instead of spending all your time in the house

Mardellw. said...

One of the two examples of effects from this passage is that,in the text it says,"spending too much time in front of the tube may take years off your life."I think this is a good example for effect because if you watch too much t.v.(cause)it maycause you to lose years from your life(effect).Another example of effect from this passage is that,in the text it say,"the study found thatthe people who watched an average of six hoursof t.v. a day lived 4.8 years".I believe this is another good exampleeffect because the people who watched too much television(cause)caused them to live 4.8 years less than people who didnt watch too much t.v.(effect).These are my examples of efect from this passage.

mercedes howard said...

One Effect Of Watching To Much T.V. Is That It Might Take Years Off Your Life And My EVidence Is When It Said "Spending To Much Time In Front Of The Tube May Take Years Off Your Life " .. The Second Effect Is You Might Get Unactive Meaning And My Evidence For This Is "The Less Excercise, The More Likely You Develop Diseases Such As Diabetes Or Heart Problems."

christal oneal said...

one of the effects of watching to much tv is that if you watch to much tv you can live a shorter life. I know that because if your life get short its because you watch to much tv.when you just can turn it off. Another effect of watching to much tv is that you can get heart problems. I know that because in the story it says that you can get diabetes or heart disease.if you get heart disease or diabetes you know its because you have been watching to much tv.

jacaysia webster said...

I think one effect on watching too much television is that... when you watch too much television it might take time out of your life to be more active and get out side and smell the freash air. Another effect on watching to much television is that... in the future when you want to watch tv just because you want to watch tv you might not the big expression of being lazy.

christina hernandez said...

one effect that watching too much television is that it takes more from your life away. my evidence is the "study found that people who watched an average of six hours of T.V a day lives 4.8 less years.

dorisa said...

the effect of watching to much t.v is that it will take years of your life and other one is the t.v we watch the less physically active you are there are some effects

Frankie hutchinson said...

The effects of watching too much tv are you will shorten your life and the article restates that if watched after age 25 was associated with a 22-minute reduction in their life expectancy.

Andrew Davenport said...

One effect by watching television is your life is shorten.My evidence is that,"The study found that people who watched an average six hours of T.V. a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television".Another effect by watching television is a health issue.My evidence is that,"The association between watching to much TV and lower life expectancy persisted,even after adjusting for diet".

gracej said...

Two of the effects of watching too much television is poor health and less years of your life to live. Poor health is an effect because sitting in front of the television all day causes you to lack physical activity and prevents daily exercise. I Know this because if you eat right before you watch tv that food doesn't get burned off it sticks to your body which creates diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Lower life expectancy is a effect because it is researchers have found out that the majority of those who watch television at 25 years old have about only 4.8 years taken off their life time.

dominiqueb said...

Two effects of watching too much TV is it is taking time away from you exercising and now caused doctors to ask how much TV time we get. My evidence is that study shows that the average of 4.8 years less than the ones who don't watch none. Another thing is the text also says when you spend all that time on the couch and not doing nothing your pitting your health in danger. Not exercising enough so your not doing no physically active movements.

Aallayah thomas said...

Some effects that watching to much t.v can have on us humans are lake of life spanned ,and the option of poor health . I think the lake of life spanned as it says in paragraph 1&2 I think it has that effect on older people is because they think that they have no other job so they Cater to one thing that's left .and Mabel

dariyana davis said...

some effects of watching to much t.v is that most of the time that you are watchin tv you are not physically active you are and when you dont get enough exercise you are more likely to catch diseases . also watching to much t.v shortns yo life spand .

staci scates said...

one effect from watching to much t.v is the fact that your life can be sortin. it said that if u watch t.v for about 6 hours everyday you can only live for about 4.8 year.every hour of watch tv is 22 mins of your life sortin. also it said that watching t.v will cause bad dieting because u sit in frount of the t.v to longs. doctors will start askkng parents how long they are watching t.v.

D CAMMON said...

The text states that one effect of wacthing to much TV is that it is unhelthy.My evidence is when you are wacthing TV you are not up and active so you are not excercising so your body is buliding fat.another effect is that it takes years off your life.

regjana said...

Some of the effects on watching too much of television is : lack of excercise , and could take time (years) of your life. The reason I said this is because in the text it states that watching too much T.V could take time off your life and you dont excercise as much as you do.

~~*Dyamond*~~ said...

An effect of watching too much television is developing serious medical conditions.I think this because the article states that the more you watch television the less physical activity you are getting and when you don't get lots of physical activtity you grow unhealthy.I also know this because at my doctor said 2 hours or less is the healthy amout of televison time. Another effect is that watching too much televison shortens your life time. The evidence is that Australians did a survey on over 11,000 people.

christina feliciano said...

One effect that you can have on watching too much tv is the loss of excercise.when you sit and watch tv almost everyday you can cause yourself to gain weight.I know this because when you eat and sit without any movement your body gets fat.Another thing that can effect you from watching too much tv is you can get heart problems or a disease.I know this because if your sitting around eating junk food and have no way of physical activity you can have bad health which causes you too lose years of your life. from; chrissy

Khadijah A.(Special K) said...

Effect 1.Your lifespand can be shorttend. I know this because in the article researchers tested over 11,000 people over the age 25 and found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8 years less than those who didn't watch any television.

Effect 2.You could begin to have heart and weight problems. I know this because not only does it say it in the article but also I have noticed myself how on television they advertise really unhealthy foods. Also with all of the things on television these days people spend more time infront of the the tube instead of being active.

****myeisha.c**** said...

one reason that you should not watch alot of tv because it makes your life shorter i know this because in the teeeext it said when you stick to watching to tv and cant turn it off then it makes your life shorter 4.8 shorter than the person who watch tv.the second reason you should not watch alot of tv is because the less physically active you are and i know this because you not moving so you not active, And the less exercise you get, the more likely you are to develop diseases such as diabetes or heart problems i know this because it said this in the text.the last reason is that when you see the junk advertisment promote a poor diet and make you want to eat it and i know this beacause in the text it said that and from what i know i agre with the author.i think all of these because i had text evidents and i also think this because when we be in physical education we have like a 5,4,3,2,1 and the 2 stands for two hours or less of screen time thats why i think this..!!!!

malik neal said...

the two effects caused because of watching too much are diebeaties and heart diesease I know this because when you are sitting down watching you are not getting out and getting active

*****kyra.h***** said...

the two effects of waching to much tv is the follwing:it will cause you to die much quicker then you are soupoes to:also every hours of tv that you wach ather the age of 25 associted with a 22-minute reduction in their life expectancy.wich means old people when they wach tv every hours every 22-minutethey die.and that is 2 effects of waching to much tv.

randyporter said...

the effect is watching to much tv mean a shorter life,i kno this because and the story it states when watching to much tv lead to a shorter life,and also it said people who watch tv for 6 hours everyday live 4.8 years less than the ones who dont.anorther effect is you dont get active.because and the story it states the more tv the the less active you become in from that you can get a diesease and die.

mr. yarbrough said...

According to the artical the two effects of wathing to much tv is heart problems and diabetes.The reason for this is becuase inthe story it says that sitting in front of the tv is not healthy becuase you are not phisically active.this tells me that this is not healthy becuase you are not exercising and the less exercise you get the more unhealthy you are.