Thursday, December 1, 2011

Theme Time

The Princess and the Pea

by Hans Christian Anderson

There was once a prince, and he wanted a princess, but then she must be a real Princess. He travelled right around the world to find one, but there was always something wrong. There were plenty of princesses, but whether they were real princesses he had great difficulty in discovering; there was always something which was not quite right about them. So at last he had come home again, and he was very sad because he wanted a real princess so badly.

One evening there was a terrible storm; it thundered and lightninged and the rain poured down in torrents; indeed it was a fearful night.

In the middle of the storm somebody knocked at the town gate, and the old King himself sent to open it.

It was a princess who stood outside, but she was in a terrible state from the rain and the storm. The water streamed out of her hair and her clothes; it ran in at the top of her shoes and out at the heel, but she said that she was a real princess.

‘Well we shall soon see if that is true,’ thought the old Queen, but she said nothing. She went into the bedroom, took all the bed clothes off and laid a pea on the bedstead: then she took twenty mattresses and piled them on top of the pea, and then twenty feather beds on top of the mattresses. This was where the princess was to sleep that night. In the morning they asked her how she slept.

‘Oh terribly bad!’ said the princess. ‘I have hardly closed my eyes the whole night! Heaven knows what was in the bed. I seemed to be lying upon some hard thing, and my whole body is black and blue this morning. It is terrible!’

They saw at once that she must be a real princess when she had felt the pea through twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. Nobody but a real princess could have such a delicate skin.

So the prince took her to be his wife, for now he was sure that he had found a real princess, and the pea was put into the Museum, where it may still be seen if no one has stolen it.

Now this is a true story.


Apply our theme analysis procedure to this fairy tale!







ms.debbys favorite christal said...

text: Story

Character: the prince

Conflict: the conflict is that the prince is looking for a real princess. But it seems that he cant find one.

Climax/resolution: When the princess came knocking at his door during the storm. he tested her to see if she was a real princess by seeing if she could feel the pea under the matresses.


Theme: Good things come to those who wait. When he was looking for a real princess he couldnt find one.But during the storm a princess came to him.

K-Ra (Karyn R.) said...

TEXT: The Princess and the Pea
CONFLICT: The conflict is that this Prince wants to find a real, true princess but there is always something wrong with the princess's that he has stumbled upon.

CLIMAX/RESOLUTION: How he solves this problem is when a princess literally knocks at his front door he takes advantage of this and see if she is actually a TRUE princess.By making her do something and then see if he is telling the truth.
THEME: If you be patient and wait, then good things will find you.

randyporter said...

conflict;is the prince was looking for a real he put a pea on the bed in only a real princess will fill it.
climax/resolution;but he solve his problem because a real princess came in she was the only one to fill the pea.
theme; because you have to be carefull who you let in your home so he tested them!

Regjana Stuckey said...

Character:The Prince
Conflict:The Prince was looking for a princess to marry but he doubted wether they were a princess so he searched and searched .
Climax/Resolution:The way they solved the problem was when they placed a pea under the princess bed and the next morning when she woke up she felt the pea under her bed the pea was under 20 mattresses and 20 feather beds and they said only a true princess could have such delacate skin.
Theme:Give people a chance no matter what ( that means always be willing to trust)

mckinziemorris said...

The character of this story is the prince.The conflict of this paticullar story is the prince couldn't find a princes and one came and said she a real princes so they put her to the test to see if she was a real princes.The climax of this story is that she past the test and the prince found his princes.The topic of this story is wait.The theme of this story is that good things come to those who wait.

lamon phillips said...

Text:fairy tale

Character:princess, and prince

Conflict:the prince couldn't find a real princess



Theme:never give up on something taht u really want in life no matter what

Aallayah said...

text-theprincess and the pea

character-the princess,prince

conflict-he the prince needs a princess or a wife to ease his pain or to make him happy.

climax/resolution-this lady comes up to the kings gate pliding for his help to enter his home because of the rain so the queen lets her in to see if she is a real princess so she the princess passes the queens test so the prince clames or askes her to be his wife.


theme-that no matter who you are or what you wont you should never give up on getting it or reaching your dreams.

Takeya T. said...

Character:The princess
Confict:They did not know is she was a real princess.
Climax/Resolution:They put a pea under 20 matresses to see if she felt them and if she did she would be a real princess.
Theme:If u test a theory the out come maybe relavent or erelovant

bacon toasted sandwhich!!!!(naje)(tasty) said...

Text:fairy tale

Character:prince, and princess

Conflict:the prince wanted to find a princess and kept looking but couldn't find the right or real princess

Climax/Resolution:when the princess came to his home soaking wet from the rain and then they made her sleep on like 40 matresses that were on top of a pea and then they found out the she was a real princess because she didn't sleep comfortable so they just inferred that she was a real princess because ''only a real princess's skin would be that delecate''.

Topic:finding the right opportunity

Theme: oppotunity can come knocking at your door at anytime you just have to be kind enough to answer it

D CAMMON said...

text:the princess and the pea

character:the prince

conflict:the prince needed a real princess but couldent find one

climax/resolution:he helped a princess with her problem and took her to be his wife


theme:if u wait the time you will eventuall get what you were waiting for

Khadijah A(Special K) said...

Character: The Prince

Conflict: He wanted a real princess badly but had a hard time finding one.

Climax/Resolution: A girl came to the gates of the palace and said she was a real princess. They gave her a test and she turned out to actually be a real princess. So the prince took her as his bride.


Theme:You think you always have to work for what you want but sometimes it just comes to you naturally.

chrissy feliciano said...

Text: the prince

Character: the princess, the king, the queen, and the prince.

Conflict: the conflict was the price wanted a real princess, but could not find one.

Climax/resoltion: It stormed and the real princess came to his door and they tested her to see if she was the real princess and she was the one.

Topic:dont give up

Theme: dont give up untill you succeed.

$^$Kathryn$^$ said...

Text: The princess and the pea.

Character: The princess

Conflict:The prince wants to find and marry a real princess.

Climax/Resolution: When the princess came and stayed a night at the prince's house.

Topic: Truth

Theme: Always find out if things are true before making a final decision.

Andrew Davenport said...

Character:The prince
Conflict:The prince couldn't find a real princess.
Climax:The perfect princess came up to the princes' door and, he knew this because with a pea under about 40 matresses the princess felt the pea on her delicate skin.

Theme:Never expect the unexpected.

Alize brantley said...

Text:the character is the "prince" he is in search of a princess so he can be much more happier.with him having to be the prince he want to share with what he has.
tHEME:no matter how happy you are you will always want to share

john jones said...

The prince is a deasprit man looking for true LOVE. He travelles around the world looking for a real princesses, he founds some but there was always some thing wrong with them. There was a storm that night and someone came knocking at thetown gate so the king himself went to get the door and he finds the right princesses right at the door. Me topic is TRUE LOVE. Me theme is finding MRS.Right won't always be easy!!!!

gracej said...

Character: Prince

Conflict: Needs a real princess to marry.

Climax/Resolution: A princess has proven herself to be real and prince marries her.

Topic: True/Real

Theme: You will know one's real true colors through their actions and characteristics.

kencia said...

CONFLICT:Prince couldn't find a real princess
CLIMAX:When they discovered the girl was a real princess because she felt the pea under the mattresses, and only real princesses have delicate skin
TOPIC:Least Expected
THEME:Sometimes you have to stop chasing after things and let it come to you and it might come when you least expect it.

courtney johnson said...


climax:the climax is that the prince could't find a real princess
resolution:the resolution is that they put a pea under the bed tosee if she was a real princess and the princess felf it and she was a real princss!

topic:realizationable/realizeabl, love!

good things only happen to people who wait!! long enough!

gregory dixon said...

character:prince conflict;its alot of princess climax:he keep trying to find the best princess topic:love,hard theme:try hard and you will get a reward.

Kay' Lee said...

Text--> Character: The Princess

Conflict: The Prince Needed A Princess

Climax/Resolution: When The Queen Ordered The Princess To Sleep On The 20 Mattresses With The Pea At The Bottom

Topic: Love

Theme: Not To Give Up Until You Find What Your Looking For.

*TaShEeMa DaViS* said...


character:the princess

conflict:the prince needing a princess

climax:was when the princess slep on the pea that had 20 mattresses on top.


theme: never settle for less...

*Queen mickey*

lashonnda hooks said...


conflict:the pcrince can't find a real princess.

climax:the prince traveled the world to find a real princess but none of them seem right.

topic:just right.

theme:the right one is out there for someone.

zontrelljones said...

conflect/the prince can not find a good princess to go with
climax/resolution/he found a princess that he think is a good princess to find love with
topic/finding love
theme/you have to find the love with someone you think you going to have a good relationship

alize said...


conflict:the prince was trying to find a princess so he can live happily ever after.

climax:he find the princess to live with.


theme:if you stay determind you will find what you are looking for

**~~kyra~~** said...


Conflict:the prince need to find a real princess.

Climax/Resolution:he found the real one with a pea.

topic: real one

theme: you can find love in the funest things like a pea

for'j flowers (samantha) said...

TEXT>The Princess and the Pea


Conflict>he needed to find princess

Climax>he found a princess and made her sleep on some pea.


Theme=>you can always find love no matter where you go.

dorisa{i love cake}neal said...


conflict:that the prince wanted
the princesess

climax/res:he got what he wanted a the princesess


theme:dont give up on love

Mardell W. said...

The main character is the prince. Conflict:He had a hard time trying to find a real true princess. Climax/Resolutoin:A girl who claimed to be a princess asked could she sleep in the king and queen's castsle for the night and the queen put a frozen pea under 20 beds to see if she really was a princess,and when she woke up the next morning her back was black and blue,and the queen knew that all pricesses have delicate/fragile skin,and the prince found his princess. Topic:love search Theme:When you keep searching for that right person he/she will come to you.

AnTHONY hAYMer said...

the main character is princess and the comflict is that the king didnt know she was a princess because she got rain on she didt look like a princess when he seen her.The climax is that when they seen that the pea had grew and nobody had delicate skin like that the topic is nver give up the theme is never give because you never whats gone happen if you just try.

dominiquebrown said...


conflict: couldn't find the right/real princess without a problem.

climax:princess knocked @ the door and was able to feel the pea through many mattresses when selpt over prince house.

topic:the one

theme:the one (lover)you ment to be with will always find it's right destination

staci sctaes said...

Character: Prince

Conflict: the prince wanted a princess

Climax: A prince knocked on his door during a terrible storm and had trouble finding a real princess but little he know SHE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Topic: not eager

Theme: You might not find what your looking for in the beginning but you might just find it in the end

Sed said...


Character: prince

Conflict:the prince wanted a princess

Climax:a princess knocked on the door during the storm and she want to come in a all along the prince was looking for a princess but he knew she was a real princess from the start

Topic:searching for love

Theme:you might not find what you are looking for in the future, but soon in the end it will come to you